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This is WURK , LP, Tampa, Florida

Community Advisory Board Recruiting Begins



ATTN: WURK Community Radio is now recruiting candidates for its Community Advisory Board


As a recipient of Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) funds, WURK is required to have a Community Advisory Board (CAB). The CAB operates independently of WURK’s Paid Staff, its Auxiliary Board, and Board of Directors We have no operational or day-to-day role in finance, personnel, programming, or in any other matter. Our independence ensures our ability to advise the Rainbow Heights Board of Directors and station objectively. 


The function of the CAB is to review the station’s programming goals, services provided by the station, and any significant policy decisions made by the station. We serve as a vehicle for the community to effectively provide input to the GM an Programming Director. The CAB advises the Rainbow Heights Board of Directors  and Programming Director with respect to whether the programming and other policies of WURK are meeting the specialized education and cultural needs of the communities served by the station, and may make recommendations we deem appropriate to meet these needs. 


As outlined in the WURK CAB bylaws, the CAB consists of up to 12 members, including three officers - Chairperson, Vice-chair, and Secretary. There are four committees within the CAB – Programming, Outreach, Bylaws and Membership, and Fundraising. Each member serves on at least two committees. Each committee is lead by a committee chair who reports to the CAB chair.


The CAB meets monthly to discuss and plan initiatives related to the review of the station’s programming goals, the services provided by the station, and any significant policy decisions made by the station. We engage with the Auxiliary Board of Directors and the staff to undertake community outreach activities that help define the cultural and educational needs of the community. This might involve holding a series of public meetings, conducting listener surveys, acting as a soundboard for WURK’s Programming Director, or assisting with outreach activities in the community. 


CAB meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend


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