Volunteer at WURK
"People Powered Radio"
For the PEOPLE. By the PEOPLE.
Data Entry for WURK Calendars We need help for a few hours each month doing computer data entry to keep our online calendars (concerts, event and arts) current.
Time Commitment: a few hours monthly. Skills Needed: Ability to use a computer and do data entry
Mailing Projects WURK Radio does four large mailings annually and volunteers are needed to assist with sorting, labeling and preparing newsletters for mailing. We generally have about one week notice for these projects.
Time Commitment: Hours are flexible; volunteers may offer as many hours as they are available.
Graphic Design WURK has an ongoing need for graphic designers, specifically people who specialize in printed ads.
Time Commitment: Varies by project. Skills Needed: Graphic design
Special Events Volunteer WURK hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Events offer a lot of volunteer opportunities, including set-up, break-down and clean-up, traffic assistance, beverage serving, outreach, ticket sales, promotion, donation solicitation, poster art and volunteer coordination.
Time Commitment: Few hours. Skills Needed: Varies
Community Outreach/Event Tabling Volunteer WURK is always in need of volunteers to staff our outreach tables at various public events in the Tampa Bay area. Community outreach is a special and important undertaking. There are many people who are unfamiliar with WURK, its content and how a volunteer-powered radio station works. Outreach volunteers must take a knowledgeable and assertive approach to get the public's attention and engage with event attendees to inform them about WURK. Therefore, we need our tabling outreach volunteers to be gregarious, friendly, energetic, and engaging to a wide variety of people. They must also be prepared to take initiative and committed to WURK 's mission and ready to talk about WURK Radio and their personal connection to the project.
Responsibilities: Volunteers are needed to set-up outreach materials and staff a table for the duration of the event (or a particular shift), and then break down the table materials, sometimes by themselves. Summer tabling sometimes involves setting up and taking down a table and tent. We usually need volunteers to pick up and drop off materials at the station before and after the event, as well. Volunteers who can take the lead and handle tabling events from start to finish on their own are particularly helpful to the station. While staffing the table, volunteers must chat with event attendees, often initiating contact. Volunteers must be prepared to handle money for WURK promotional materials sales (t-shirts, tote bags, mugs, etc.), invite listeners to become members (or renew their membership), and complete membership forms. Volunteers sometimes take entries for raffles or door prizes and distribute said prizes. The table and surrounding area should be kept neat and attractive during the event. Volunteers must follow all venue rules and regulations as set out by our hosts. Tabling happens most often during events on weekends, but can sometimes occur on weeknights and holidays.
Requirements: Tabling outreach volunteers should be friendly and outgoing, promote WURK positively and accurately, be clean and neat in appearance, physically able to complete the tasks they've agreed to be responsible for. All volunteers must have completed the WURK Volunteer Orientation, to become knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the station.
Requested Skills: It is particularly helpful to have volunteers who are familiar with WURK to do outreach at various political, community based and musical events. Volunteers for this position must be highly social, energetic and organized.
Music Department/Broadcast Opportunities
The Music Department needs help with the following:
* Organizing the library, filing releases and reorganizing to accommodate the ever-expanding flow of music into the stacks.
* On-air shifts, by taking the on air training class and producing an approved demo, volunteers can take the first steps toward being on the air during our Early Mornings show (1:00-3:00a.m.)
Time Commitment: Varies by project Skills Needed: Organizational skills and a wide range of music and song title knowledge.
Skills Needed:
Experience with Linux-based server configuration and administration, networking architecture, including VPN's, network hardware, routers, etc. Website development and maintenance including experience with HTML, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, Python, MySql, and Apache. Experience with audio encoding including Shoutcast, Icecast, and other audio broadcast formats. Ability to take direction, work as part of a team, and willingness to think creatively.
Program Promotion
Includes helping with the production of recorded announcements of specific upcoming programs, developing and enhancing the description of programs on wurkradio.org, including descriptions of programs. Music Department volunteers will also have the ability to develop brief text announcements of upcoming programs for live reads and special announcements by news hosts and DJ's.
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee maintains WURK Radio's technical infrastructure, including its website, live audio streams, audio archives, network, servers, and custom applications. The committee meets every 1-2 months, as needed, with e-mail communications and project updates between meetings.
Event Planning Committee
This committee meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm to help plan, promote and implement WURK -sponsored events.
Time Commitment: 2 hours every month for meeting; plus additional time if you take on specific responsibilities related to a particular event.
Skills needed: Event Planning and Marketing experience helpful.
Do you want to get involved? Contact Arenee Thornton @ 813-906-5845 OR areneentertainment@gmail.com